Wild in Spirit
WILD IN SPIRIT is a carefully crafted, 250-page coffee table book that depicts the perils, challenges and rewards of living life outdoors courageously and with great purpose. The pinnacle images of Ocean Studio photographers are woven together here with words of wisdom from many cultures and centuries of time, expressing the universal stories of humankind in compelling new ways.
WILD IN SPIRIT bears special homage to the storytellers who have passed down the essential traditions and survival skills for millennia. Profound epiphanies from poets, prophets, visionaries, world leaders and passionate proponents of the natural world appear here – the words of Black Elk, Confucius, Henry Thoreau, Walt Whitman, John Muir, John F. & Robert Kennedy, Joseph Campbell, Galen Rowell, Teddy Roosevelt, Al Gore, Martin Litton, Wade Davis and many others.
Another rich source of time-tested natural wisdom has been modern-day professional outdoor adventure guides, who by continuing to lead urban folks back into intimate communion with the wilderness have become de facto custodians and teachers of ancient knowledge and beliefs that might otherwise have been lost forever.
The heart-felt intention of this first major book from Ocean Studio is to ignite and fan to flame in the hearts and minds of readers, a greater passion, understanding and empathy for the natural world.
OCEAN STUDIO is an alliance of writers, photographers and filmmakers who travel to the wildest regions of the earth and the sea in pursuit of beauty and adventure.
- Michael Powers and the Ocean Studio Allience
August 2014

Write michaelpowers@wildinspirit.com or Call (650) 400-5712 to receive your personally signed copy of the WILD IN SPIRIT. The book can be purchased directly for $50, cash or check, at Ocean Studios in
Half Moon Bay. Thank you, Michael Powers
Responses to Wild in Spirit
Sasha Meister and Mark Hutson, professional sea kayak guides, Bay of Islands, North New Zealand: Dear Michael, Thank you so much for producing such a wonderful book!
- Love, Sasha & Mark

I write this from Connecticut, where I am visiting my 96 year-old grandfather. Last night I gave him a copy of WILD IN SPIRIT for his birthday, and we spent some enduring hours on his couch, looking through the book. He came alive with a greater intensity than he has displayed in many months. Thank you.
- John Turk, PhD, Arctic explorer, author and National Geographic Explorer Society Adventurer of the Year.
The spirits of nature and culture have found a lyrical voice in this delightful book, created by Michael Powers and his Ocean Studio Alliance. In this age of tweets and continual barrage of shallow media vying for our attention, this book creates a sacred space to enter and dwell with purpose, creativity and wonder. We look forward to what will come next from Ocean Studio, but in the mean time we have this gem to treasure and enjoy.
- Steven King, PhD, ethnobotanist, author, Tsunami Ranger
Michael Powers and his colleagues at Ocean Studio have produced a book that is great fun! You have quite a mob down there. WILD IN SPIRIT is filled with wisdom, truth, joy and passion. I support your goal of striving to tell stories with images andwords, and honoring the wild people and places remaining on our beautiful planet earth.
- Wade Davis, author, ethnobotanist and National Geographic Society Explorer-In-Residence
What if you possessed a sacred travel satchel, and each time you opened it, an alluring breath of adventure wafted out? WILD IN SPIRIT by world traveler and photographer Michael Powers is a book that works its magic in the same way. Powers, who’s enjoyed an extraordinary share of far-flung jaunts to the globe’s wild places from Tierra del Fuego to the Arctic Circle – has taken his most striking photos of wild grandeur, fellow adventurers and indigenous people and brought them together in one place. To this cornucopia of imagery, he has added a sprinkling of shots by other photographers he admires, a collection of striking quotes from diverse sources, and his own short essays that explore and explain the themes of these collected scenes. A reader can dip into these pages at any point, and experience a mind-clearing puff of clean air, scented by pine forest, ocean spray or high-altitude blooms – and then feel the urge to grab a pack, snatch up a paddle and head out into a wild zone on one’s own… which was Power’s true aim, all along.
- Paul McHugh, Former Outdoor Editor of the San Francisco Chronicle & widely published author
Bill and I have really been enjoying WILD IN SPIRIT! We have found the photographs, the captions and the sayings to be electrifying, engaging and deep. We are loving every minute of our time with this tome.
Patricia Roma, attorney
Powers' new book WILD IN SPIRIT is 250 pages of photographs of human interaction with the outdoor world, presented along with quotations conveying the universal stories and wisdom passed down through history.
Stacy Trevenon, Half Moon Bay Review
Storytellers build a book for a better world. Powers is an adventure photographer, writer and wilderness guide, widely known for his participation in social cause related expeditions. He is a member of the tsunami rangers, an “extreme sea kayaking” team, featured in the National Geographic Explorer TV series. In 2001 Michael co-founded Ocean Studio, an alliance of adventure photographers, writers and filmmakers, working together to nurture a deeper understanding and empathy for the natural world. The list of members in Michael Powers’ Ocean Studio reads like a breath of fresh air for the natural world.
Jean Bartlett, Pacifica Tribune
WILD IN SPIRIT is a wonderful crescendo from the minds, hearts and travels of those who have drunk deeply from the nectar of this world. Our gratitude to Michael and Ocean Studio for shepherding this wellspring of hope and encouragement into the light of day.
Dennis Maurice Swenson, artist, author, counselor and founder of the Avancé Fondation.
With a rush of joy and a huge smile, I thank everyone for who have helped put together this breathtaking book. This starts with the beginning ideas to raw products to the finished project. I am looking forward to being at the Book Release Party in January to meet and greet everyone!
Sean Palmer, adventure kayaker & board member of ENC (Explore North Coast Sea Kayaking Association)
Your book WILD IN SPIRIT is stunning, moving, humorous and inspiring! We feel the adventures and life stories unfold from its luscious pages, and feel deeply, our own wild spirit within. We feel inspired to work on our “extreme walking” skills, bringing us back to more time in the wilderness. Thank you for sharing your wonderful, wild and gracious spirit with us!
Julia Schreiber and daughter Corina
Thank you so much for your beautiful book! So much to read and reflect upon. Maybe some day I can join you and the other Ocean Studio photographers for one of your grand adventures.
Marie Opera, Swedish photographer
Thank you for your book – it is beautiful! I love the photos and the philosophy, and will enjoy looking at it many times over. It is something to cherish and to learn from.
Danielle Hayes, American photograph
Thank you so much for WILD IN SPIRIT. Its one of my favorite books and doesn’t have a shelf life in that it’s always relevant and I keep it where it’ always accessible. Amazing photos of the Tsunami Rangers. Holy cow… I never realized how you guys play on the edge – otherwise I would have treated you with more respect.
Gary Felder, Northern California filmmaker